Katherine Vazquez

Katherine Vazquez

Director of Admission & Affordability

Director of Admission and Affordability Katherine Vazquez loves meeting families new to Green Hedges and helping the visitors feel at home. “When we sum up Green Hedges by saying, Small School, Big Experience, we are talking about what is important here,” she says, explaining: “Students thrive here because their areas of growth, learning style, and personality matter. We maximize learning opportunities and personal support. Each person is a member of the community, inside and outside the classroom.” Noting that she herself benefited from “a teacher who ‘understood’ me and my learning style,” she concludes, “It helped my confidence that a teacher believed in me, and it set me on my life’s path in education.”

Mrs. Vazquez attended Georgetown Visitation High School and Saint Leo University in Florida, where she earned a B.A. in Psychology. Having grown up in a family involved in education, she spent two decades earlier in her career as teacher, Summer Camp Director, and Director of Admission at National Child Research Center, an independent preschool in Washington, DC. She says, “I still have the teacher in me. I am drawn to kids. Their energy, curiosity, and enthusiasm for life are contagious.”

On the weekends and in her free time, Mrs. Vazquez enjoys spending time with family, creating crafts and science experiments with her young sons, cooking and baking with them, and watching them play baseball through Vienna Little League. Among her other favorite activities are hiking, getting together with local family and friends, and playing sports, including softball. She also enjoys traveling and photography, which engage her adventurous and creative side.

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Join us for our Admission Open House

Saturday, December 2 at 10 a.m.