
Danielle Lee

Grade 1

“Seeing their faces every day, their excitement, the big jumps they make in learning, discovering; seeing them grow: that’s my joy,” says Grade 1 teacher Danielle Lee.  After a budding career in business, Mrs. Lee returned to her passion and her extended family’s tradition, teaching. She earned a Master of Arts degree from Columbia University in International Education Development, and, while teaching in traditional Kindergarten and Montessori programs, and later teaching Grade 1, she developed an abiding respect for the individuality of students and for their courage as risk takers in learning. Errors made by children and adults provide teachable moments and are part of a growth mindset, she says.

In 2016 Mrs. Lee moved to Vienna after living in New York City for almost 10 years. Her family soon grew to include three children. “One thing I learned after becoming a mom, she says, “is how different even kids in the same family can be.  And sometimes, kids act differently at home than at school.  When teachers and parents form a team, kids might be surprised that we talk to each other, but they are happy about it and it helps them feel safe.”

Co-teaching is another kind of teaming Mrs. Lee values. Students benefit from having adults with different skills and perspectives respond to their individual needs, she points out, and it helps the teachers grow, too.

For leisure, Mrs. Lee enjoys great annual skiing and camping adventures with her husband and children.

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